Just a Little Touch of Christmas Decor

Now, I think I’ve mentioned before that we live in a rental house that is slightly bigger than a bread box.  No?!?  Which really is awesome when it comes time for cleaning … or searching for something my husband I can’t find.  (I mean there are only so many spots he can put the clothes he had on yesterday.  Which is ALWAYS where said lost item is.)

It’s also awesome when it comes to accessorizing, especially with some holiday decor.

I’ve seen a lot of bloggers talking about how they’re going simple this year.  Understated and inexpensive.  I would say this is my decorating strategy all day everyday.  And that is even more exaggerated with such a small space.  Where exactly am I going to store bunches of holiday decorations in the off season?

I’ll have to share some of our creative storage solutions with you sometime.  Can you say construction doors turned walk in closet shelving?  🙂

So, in addition to our driftwood Christmas tree, I made just a few upgrades.

Just ignore all the cords, but hopefully the Charlie Brown Christmas on tv makes you smile.  🙂

Those tall lit things on the right are 3 bamboo poles that we keep out all year.  We picked them up at a beach here in Curacao, I cleaned ’em up and coated them with clear varnish.

For Christmas, I just strung them with lights and using really small gold clothes pins (that I also used to make photo/place card holders here) I displayed Christmas cards and photo cards from years past.  For the record we have one friend on it enough to get a card here in time.  Love the card Sue!
An easy and festive card display.  I like to think it overpowers the blank piece of plywood hanging above the tv.

What, you didn’t notice it?  Ok, pretend I didn’t mention it.  😉

And then I did just a little somethin’ on a side table.

I little ribbon on a twig. A few baubles in an apothecary jar.
And a few baubles mixed with coral and shells under a cloche.

For this I actually cheated a bit and wrapped a couple of tennis balls in a gold ribbon to take up space in the middle.  I turned the cloche upside down, lined the top (bottom when upside down, obviously!) with items, nestled the ribbon wrapped tennis balls in the middle and then filled in the rest.  I used the tissue paper to just make sure everything was nice and snug so when I flipped it all over on the white plate it wouldn’t shift too much.

Easy little touches of coastal Christmas.  And since I already had all of the items, totally free.  My favorite word!

I had bought the cloche and apothecary jar a couple of years ago on super duper discount when a home improvement store was preparing to close down and I bought the gold and white trees and baubles last year also at about 90% off after tropical storm Tomas hit the island and forced a lot of shops into big sales.  The coral, shells and even the twig were all picked up along the way at different beaches.

And this cute little pic Joel took of our wedding rings with a lobster after our wedding in Maine is just the perfect little additional touch of red.

When I posted about the decorated driftwood tree I didn’t wait and take any night pics. Well, here she is, in all of her tea lit glory.
You might notice she’s just a wee bit different than when I first posted about her with all of my fun DIY ornaments.  I set up a table at a small Christmas Bazaar recently and was fortunate enough to sell a lot of my creations.  All of the cutie sea urchin snow(wo)men and glittered shells and even the book page star and red wooden tree topper have found new homes for the holidays.  So, I just added a few little miniature mercury glass ornaments we had and one clear bauble with sand in it we had received as a gift last year.

I still love her.  🙂

It’s not much, and it’s not monumental, but it’s festive.  And it’s in perfect scale with our little space, just the right amount Christmas up in here.

Now, I would be remiss if I did not express my heart felt wishes to you all to enjoy this final week before Christmas and the rest that 2011 has to offer us.  Relish in the true spirit of the holiday.  Cherish the moments with the ones you love.  Enjoy the small stuff.  Sleep in if you can, have an extra cup of coffee, eat cake for dinner, give extra hugs.

Do whatever it is that makes your heart sing, it is the holiday season, the perfect excuse to be contentedly happy all of the time for no other reason than we are living the life we were meant to live.

Here’s wishing Happiness to all!!

I am sharing these decorations here, here, here and here. Check ém out!

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  1. Your decorations are beautiful! I love how you have incorporated your surroundings into the decor! BTW…..those carved wooden trees are FABULOUS!!!

  2. Very lovely and homey looking…Kathi

  3. Beautiful and clever and simpler than so much Christmas decor. So stylish! I love how you’ve included the driftwood and natural elements. Well done.

  4. You’ve tailored your decorating to the scale of your rooms; a talent in its own right. I’ve seen irl and online overstuffed rooms that make me wheeze from dust just looking at them! Not so with yours. Of course, my breathing is always better at the shore, away from manufacturers. well done, indeed.

  5. Love the little Christmas tree, so cute. Color scheme is lovely and festive too.

  6. Oh, just beautiful… love the xmas tree 🙂

  7. LOVE IT!! What a cute tree!! suuuuper adorable.. VERY creative.. I LOVE this!!!! Thanks SO much for linking to Pin’Inspirational Thursdays.. : )) Wishing you the Happiest Of Holiday’s.. xoxo.. Marilyn..

  8. L-O-V-E your tree! So unique!! and love how you utilized your bamboo sticks! Thanks for sharing:)

  9. Love the shells with the ornaments. Very unique and beautiful.

  10. Oh wow Karah! I came over to check your site out after seeing your sweet comment on my blog! I love how you made this driftwood tree…it’s gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! xo and Have a very Merry Christmas on your island! Lucky! xo

  11. I absolutely love the tree!

  12. Ahh…you blow me away with each post. So glad that you keep sharing at Pin’Inspiration Thursday.

  13. Pretty!! Thanks for linking! 🙂

  14. That tree is the best….it rustic and fun!

  15. That xmas tree is pretty cool! I think all of it is pretty and festive….I don’t do monumental either!
    Merry Christmas!

  16. So creative! Would love for you to share at FNF at my blog sometime! Party is going on all weekend!

  17. Christina at I Gotta Create!

     /  December 25, 2011

    Love your driftwood tree! Pinned it (and it’s being repinned!!) ❤

  18. Thanks for linking up at DIY Thrifty Thursday’s on http://www.thrifty101.blogspot.com…….you‘ve been featured! Stop by and grab an “I was featured” button and we hope to see you again this week! 🙂
    Michelle @ Thrifty 101

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