it IS award season after all

And, I have been bestowed upon some really cool blog honors.  (Is that even proper English?)

Hello, hello.  How are you?  By the way…  🙂

Truth be told, I probably should have blogged about these long ago.  But I’ve been putting it off.  I’m not sure how fun these posts are for those who follow, but aren’t bloggers themselves.  My “real life” friends, my family…blah blah blah…someone I don’t know, gave an “award” I don’t really understand…blah blah blah.

Sometimes I wonder, how bloggy can a blog get?  You know?  🙂

But, the truth is, these awards are a great honor in the blog world and I am super duper thankful that someone thought enough of my little blog to think of me when passing the award on.

In lieu of red carpets and designer dresses blog awards are more about answering a few questions and sharing a little bit about myself.  Instead of taking home a trophy I get to pass along the award to blogs of my choice…and I even get a little bling for my sidebar.

So, before the music starts playing over the end of my acceptance speech, I am so thrilled to thank Bri from The Modern Parsonage for giving me the Liebster Award.

So what is the Liebster award? Well, it means beloved, favorite, dearest in German. Best of all, it’s given out by fellow bloggers to up and comers with less than 200 followers, encouraging new friendships and community.

Upon receiving the Liebster award, you do the following:

1. Post the award on your blog for the world to see! – Ok, so it has taken me about 3 weeks to do this, I’m all up to date now.  🙂
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who awarded you the Liebster by linking back to them.  – THANK YOU BRI!!!  Just a little tid bit, Bri married her husband exactly one month after Joel and I got married.  🙂
3. Reveal your 5 picks for the award and let them know they’ve been chosen.  – Please see below.
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogosphere…other bloggers!  – I normally bask at the beach so I’m headed there right after this.  🙂
5. Finally, the best rule of all, have fun and spread the love!

So now, who who who to bestow with the Liebster Award?

Please check out these 5 lovely blog friends of mine (in no particular order).

Kelly from JAX does design has a blog that I just get lost in.  So much eye candy, so little time.  And, she participates in something called Extreme Makeover:  Kindness Edition – clearly my kind of gal.  🙂

Look at this awesomeness she just created to hang above her mantel.
To find out how to do this and see so much more be sure to pay Kelly a visit here.

Now check out Samantha from Tuffet Whimsy.  I have totally fallen in love with this little under the stairs space she created for her son.  My nephew would LOVE this!!
She is also in the midst of a dining room and craft room update…many fun projects to follow along with here.

And talk about fun projects to keep up with.  Ashley and her husband JUST bought a house…like just closed on Valentine’s Day.  And look where they went to celebrate. LOWE’S!!!  I love these guys!  🙂

You have to head over to Attempts at Domestication to get a sneak peak of some of the ideas she has for projects to tackle at the house.

And you should also check in with Kelly at Corner of Main.  She participated wholeheartedly in our Imagine the Impossibilities Challenge.  And not only ended up with some awesome pillows, but she also painted the piping on her sofa.  This whole idea has had my wheels spinning.  (But don’t tell Joel, if he doesn’t like numbers on tv stands I’m pretty sure he’s not going to like a painted couch.)  🙂
And Cindy from Oakview Cottage has a home that reminds me of home.  I mean growing up in a house filled with so many vintage and eclectic elements…Cindy’s blog is a true wealth of inspiration!
I give a big HIGH FIVE to these five gals and say “I’m glad this is an award we get to share together”!

It really is amazing to me what a blessing this little blog has become.  I truly appreciate you all (non-bloggers and bloggers alike) being along for the ride.  🙂

Enjoy your space today!!

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  1. Thank you so much for the award, Karah 🙂 And congrats to the other ladies – now I have some new-to-me blogs to check out 🙂

  2. karah,

    Congratulations….you are academy award worthy in my opinion and if I ran the academy, you would get every one! I love the bloggers you featured! Thanks for all the inspiration.


  3. Ahh, thank you so much, Karah!!! My little blog thanks you for bestowing an award on it 🙂

  4. Congratulations, and thanks for introducing me to some new blogs! My kids would love that little fireman nook!

  5. Thanks so much Karah! Now I’m off to make some new bloggy friends! 🙂

  6. Karah,

    Congratulations on receiving this well-deserved honor! And love the blogs you picked. I’m familiar with a few … and a few are new to me, so I’ll be checking them out!



  7. Thank you Karah!! I am so happy to find some more fabulous blogs =)

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by I am following you back!

  9. Thank you for the award and your kind words about my blog. And thank you for emailing me and clarifying what it is, I really appreciate it.
    Hugs, Cindy


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