Imagine the Impossibilities Challenge

Doug Larson once said “Some of the greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible”.


Uhhhh, are you talkin’ to me?  Like directly at me, with a harsh glare and aggressive pointy finger?

That’s ok, I’m not in denial.  I know I’m not the brightest bulb in this chandelier of life.  But I sure do try hard.

So, when I got an email from Karianne at Thistlewood Farm and Kelly from Eclectically Vintage (yes, the same Kelly who featured my personalized map dresser – Thanks again Kelly!) telling me about their great idea I was all in!  Picture me sliding my whole stack o’ chips to black.  🙂

I didn’t even know about this Doug Larson guy quote until Karianne mentioned it, but man, is it true or what?  When she came across it she got to thinking, what was her impossible?  What did she truly believe she couldn’t do?  Then, what did some of her blog friends feel was impossible?  THEN, what if we all decided we were wrong?


“Imagine the Impossibilities”.

the space between
<div align="center"><a href="" title="the space between" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="the space between" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

As soon as I read the idea I got to thinkin’, what, if I were smart enough to know better, would be impossible?

A gallery wall with only one screw hole in the wall?  WHAT?!?  That’s totally impossible.  Isn’t it?

Well, we’re about to find out.

How many screws do you think went into these walls?




See, Karianne and Kelly came up with this awesome idea to challenge ourselves to a little Imagine the Impossible project.  They invited a few of their best blogger buddies and we invite all of YOU to take the challengeThe Imagine the Impossibilities Challenge.

What would you try if you had no boundries?  What ideas do you have floating around that you (or others) think are just nuts?  What do you really just want to try even though a big part of you thinks it’s just not going to work?  (Uhhh, can you say gallery wall with one screw hole in the wall?)

It could be anything people!  Skydiving, mountain climbing, creative writing, closet organizing, gourmet cooking (or homemade bread making as Karianne will be trying).  Is it lamp painting, table decorating, long distance running, kayaking?  Your impossible is just that, YOURS!  There’s no too big or small, right or wrong.  What limitations have you set for yourself that you might, just maybe, be able to talk yourself out of?

Oh, just Imagine the Impossibilities!

In addition to myself, here is the cast of characters.  Just click on their blog name to jump over to their site and check out some of the awesome stuff they have done already and learn more about their impossibles.

  • Kari – Thistlewood Farm.  Cooking is not her thing, but homemade bread is her challenge.
  • Kelly – Eclectically Vintage.  For all of you with basements that become black holes filled who knows what, she is going to be purging and organizing 16 years stuff.  We might need to send her husband down if she doesn’t resurface before the end of the month.
  • Linda – It All Started With Paint.  Painting a vaulted ceiling definitely sounds impossible to me.  Yikes!
  • Stacey – A Sort of Fairy Tale.  For someone who has hovered at the pillow case stage of sewing she will be attempting to sew a purse.  I didn’t even know peope do that.
  • Andrea – The Cottage Market.  She is going to be organizing her craft room.  I wonder if she could use any tips from here.  Oh, wait, she said craft room, not craft bookcase.  My bad.  😉

Update :  You can follow the one screw gallery wall experiment here and here and see the reveal here.

Our self imposed deadline is January 31st and we will all be posting weekly updates between now and then so check back often to follow the “I Might Be Screwed (Just Once), A Gallery Wall Experiement”.

All of our efforts, AND YOURS, will culminate in 6 separate link parties on January 31st, one on each of our blogs.  I personally, cannot wait to check out all of the links and pick a few favs to feature!

the space between
<div align="center"><a href="" title="the space between" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="the space between" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Here’s how to join!

  1. Comment here with your personal impossible
  2. Grab our cool button (Thanks Andrea!) and get your best bloggy buddies involved
  3. Check back in on our progress, my update posts will be on Mondays (Jan 16, 23, 30) and I’d love comments about your progress along the way.
  4. Join our Link Party on January 31st.  We will all post the outcome of our impossible and I can’t wait to see yours!

Let’s do this!  Tackle the demons.  Dream the big dreams.  Move mountains.

What is your Impossible?

I am saring this idea here, here, here and here.

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  1. May I use the same challenge that I am doing for party (get your crap together party)? I am trying to overhaul my woman cave/craft area.

  2. I love, love, love this post! Absolutely FABULOUS idea!!!!!!!! I am committing to you that I will bake homemade bread! Terrifying! But if I have you and my blogger support group I know that I will do it! Thanks karah (with an h) for all your inspiration!


  3. Ok, I love this idea. Thanks for telling me via Email to stop by today and read this. My mind is all, but racing right now. I’ve had some pretty good ideas, but I am not ready yet to set my heart on one of them, but I will come back and tell you what I’ll think it will be.
    Greetings from Germany

    • Yay Catrin! I’m sure you’ll think of something great, I’m so glad you’re participating!

    • Karah,
      I found the perfect thing…
      I don’t have a picture of myself on my Blog, part of that unbelievable faux pas is, that I think I might not be able to actually find a picture that I really like. I’ve been procrastinating this. I really would like to have a picture of myself on my blog. I even read on a “How to improve your blog”-Tutorial, that having a picture of yourself is an important thing, that way readers can relate to you easier.
      So… this is what I am going to do, I am going to link up a picture of myself… possibly, maybe, I’m sure… haha… I really don’t like pictures of me…. But I am going to make the impossible happen
      Greetings from Germany

  4. Hello Karah,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for telling me to stop by today and read this. I do like the idea, but I am so busy with too many things, like the crochet contest next week. But maybe I will come back and… you never know.

  5. Karah,
    This is certainly a challenge! One screw (you may be screwed)! No, I know you can do it and can’t wait to see how!

    My task has me shaking in my boots – purging and organizing 16 years worth of “stuff” (this from someone in the very early stages of hoarding)!

    Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

  6. This is Sara from GalsandWine… I took the “Impossible” challenge into account while writing up some long term resoultions/impossibilties for myself throughout the New Year! I love that everyone participating is setting up some really specific goals for themselves. I think that’s the most important part any time we take on a challenge–to keep it focused and attainable, and to just work on improving ourselves little ways at a time.

    Check out my post here: and if you think it fits Karah, be sure to link us up to the challenge!

  7. Ok! So I think I’m in. I know that doesn’t sound very confident, but I’ll work on that! We have been working on repainting our kitchen cabinets since September and we’re only about half done. My impossible dream is to finish this sucker by your deadline. So thanks for the motivation! Wish me luck!

  8. Okay. Thanks for the literal … and highly audible …LAUGH OUT LOUD! The name of your challenge name is genius!

  9. this is something i want to see!!!! 1 screw!!!! how incredible is that!!!! can’t wait for the review…sending supportive hugs your way : )

  10. Hmm.. I’m going to have to think about this one… I’m not sure if I’m ready to push myself to the limits yet (and be “judged”) that sounds very chicken like.. but I’m so new at this!! Thanks for commenting on my blog and I’m so jealous you are living in the Carribean.. lucky girl!

    • You can do it! Hopefully you can use this challenge as the inspiration you need to take one more step forward in this journey. Only positive reinforment here, no judgement. Think about it, I’d love to have you participate!

  11. Ha!! I think I am going to have to adopt the name of this challenge. I have NEVER been very crafty and most ideas look tooo daunting for me…… and looking back in less than a year after I began blog stalking, I have made canvas pix for an entrance wall, made a gallery wall, some washer necklaces, handmade cards, and what I am the most proud of~ I taught myself to knit a ruffle scarf with a YouTube video!!! Oh yeah… and started a blog!!! So none of my stuff is actually on my blog…maybe one day I can get around to it…. and I am almost finished re-purposing a $5 piece of junk nightstand…. maybe I am a bit crafty or just a plain ol’ copy cat!! Lovin’ blogworld!!

  12. Great idea, I have a project, but don’t think the 31st is realistic for it, so I may have to join this party on the next go round.

  13. Wow, what an inspiring project! I’m so impressed! I knew instantly what my project would be because I’ve been thinking about it for 6 months: make my daughter a dress to wear to her 1st bday. Problem is, I don’t sew and learning to sew was 2011’s resolutions. Ooops. Yesterday my hubby got my sewing machine (a gift from my mom 5 years ago– still in the box) down from the attic. SOOO, maybe, just maybe, I’ll take your challenge! I have such a busy month, but I’m going to definitely think about it! 🙂

    Thanks for the invite! I’m intrigued to hear your personal progress. I’m now following by email so I don’t miss a single update!

    • Oh my gosh, that is too funny about the sewing machine. I can’t wait to see your dress, that is such a great idea for this challenge! Thanks for following, I’m all connected you too through gfc, fb and pinterest. And now, I feel like a stalker! 🙂

  14. Thank you for the invitation, I will certainly link up. I have way to many projects but I am going to think about the one that I have been putting off. One is writing…so I will stop procrastinating and get it done!! Thanks for the push. Di@Cottage-wishes.

  15. Sounds like a great linky idea. Right now we are tackling our kitchen remodel, and well I want to cry, my house is a mess. Thanks for your sweet comment on my recipe at Bacon Time.

  16. I’ve never used a sewing machine before, so it’d be impossible for me to make pillows or curtains. Looks like I found my challenge, I’ll be posting about this tomorrow!

  17. Love this idea!! I just liked ya on FB and am following you on Pinterest now! 🙂

  18. I’m believing in the impossible. Here’s mine: I just opened a new paper company called “Gabriella Daisy” on January 1st of this year and created a new Facebook page, too. I’m working to get products up and out and I’m believing that this “impossible” dream will CERTAINLY come true. Why? Because with God ALL things ARE possible…that’s my explanation for believing in the impossible. I guess that’s just FAITH. BTW: I need new Facebook family members. Thanks! Now let’s do the impossible

  19. This is such a great idea! I am so glad you came over and told me about it. I think my challenge would have to be sewing curtains for my bedroom (or any room). The sewing machine and I are definitely not on regular speaking terms (I usually get my mother in law or drycleaner to sew buttons on) so the idea of sewing drapery for my house certainly seems impossible.

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me to join the challenge. I am in! I already planned to organize my kitchen pantry and have been making a little progress, but your post inspires me to not only organize my pantry, but to make my pantry as beautiful as the images I have in my head, to create the kind if pantry that “other” people can create, not the kind of project I usually do. It’s scary because I am way better at visualizing and planning super cool home projects than I am at actually doing any of them. It will be fun and frightening all at the same time. Thanks for the great inspiration! What a way to kick start 2012!

    ~Jess @

  21. Fantastic post, great idea. I’ll have to think on this one and stop back and let you know. I’m now a follower

  22. Okay, you’re on! I love a good challenge! My husband used to say that if someone would just challenge me, I’d accomplish everything there is to accomplish, so thanks to you and your friends for this great idea!

    Here’s my impossible, but it’s more of a scary-what-if-I-fail-and-everyone-knows-I’m-a-failure…. I want to open my own booth space and sell the furniture and home decor that I breath new life into. Yikes, just typing it out loud was a little scary!

    Thanks! – L

  23. Sounds like a fantastic way to kick off 2012!

  24. This is fabulous! Impossible (wink), but Fabulous! ;o)
    I am definiteli in on this challenge. I’ll be posting baout it today on my blog “Pixels & Paperie” and will join you on reporting back on a weekly basis…. Thanks for the inspiration (read: kick in the butt!).

  25. Oh this is so great, I’m not sure if I have an impossible I can complete in 1 month I am going to have a coffee and a think about this one tonight. xx

  26. My challenge is 3-fold:

    * I too need to re-arrange my gallery wall.
    * I need to tidy & re-decorate my srudio.
    * I want to excercise (I’m not sporty – so this is the biggest challenge for me!)

    • Veronica, I love your challenges. Quite ambitious to take all three items on, go for it. You can do it! I look forward to hearing about your progress!! Thanks so much for participating.

      • Thanks Karah – I know it might sound a bit ambitious, but I’m determined to at least make a ‘dent’ in each one of them LOL!

  27. Alright, You did it. After reading this my immediate thoughts were (in order:)

    “Great! I’ll finally print my wedding photos and start my wedding scrapbook (just in time for my anniversary…)”

    “Ugh- no, I’m too busy and that’s just not possible.”

    “Wait! That’s the point! OK- Wedding Scrapbook it is!!”

    I’ll probably post about the project on as well. =D Thanks for the idea!

  28. What a great idea and thanks for inviting me over. I will have to think about my “impossible” and will come back and let you know what it is. Wheels are turning!

  29. I am IN!!!!! Thanks SO much for inviting me on my blog!!!! An idea I have been daydreaming about for the past week or so is creating a porch swing… completely out of free wood pallets!! I want to do the WHOLE thing from scratch. I have a special idea for every part of it, including the backboard and pillows….. Thanks you THANK YOU for inspiring me to actually do it!!!

  30. I’m thinking…I’m thinking! Will get back to you on my impossible feat but we really want to do this! So count us in and I’ll let you know. Hopefully today but don’t hold your breath. I’m going to go back and see what everyone else is planning…maybe that will inspire. My great organization project seems impossible right now. Hmmm

  31. OMG…I just built a porch swing out of pallets! How funny! I’ve got to paint it and get it hung, but THAT was one my impossibles last year…along with the Headboard I made out of a Reclaimed Truss… I don’t know if I’ve recovered from those yet…Honestly, right now, I’m working on moving from Blogger to a self-hosted blog on…that definitely seemed impossible to me at first, but it’s starting to look doable! This is an awesome challenge and I look forward to seeing all of the BOLD link-ups!!!

    • Wow, that is sooo cool. I need to check it out. And the headboard sounds awesome. I truly believe switching form blogger to wp feels impossible at times. Thank you for checking in and if you end up doing something this month it would be great to have you link up on the 31st!

  32. Okay, it’s on! We are tackling our Great Purge and Organization Project of 2012! I already posted about it so I cannot take it back!!! Looking forward to seeing how all of these challenges play out. How many days do we have left? How many weekend days? LOL! Thanks for inviting me to join in. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do 🙂

  33. My personal impossible is to finally use the Family History Book I received as a gift from my husband, (5 years ago!) to start recording my family’s history.

    Check out my post here:

  34. Karah, thanks for the comment on my blog and the invite to participate – I have one major diy demon yet to tackle and it scares me spitless……the dreaded slipcover. Yes, I am going to commit to slipcovering one of my two wingback chairs – who knows I might even go crazy and do both (who am I kidding?)…..thanks for the push and I will post about it this week.
    Yeah! (giggling with nervous excitement – what have I done?)

  35. Thanks for the invitation! I might just take you up on this. I am absolutely petrified of attempting to sew a doll’s quilt for a doll cradle. You know the patchwork type ones? I’ve never done it and can’t get my head around how people actually do it. To be totally honest, I’m more terrified of sticking all the pins in my eyes after I get so frustrated and go off my nut!
    But…. I will give it a bash.
    Megan 🙂

  36. magicalhomes

     /  January 11, 2012

    thank you so much for visiting my blog. i absolutely LOVE this idea. However, I’m still thinking what my challenge is going to be. But I soo want to participate. So I’m going to come back to you in a day or two with my impossible challenge..

  37. Okay I’m in!! I found my impossible challenge!!
    My hubby and I love meat and dairy products and we hardly eat whole grains, fruits or vegetables. We watched another documentary last night about the health benefits of a “whole food, plant-based diet” and we both agreed we wanted those benefits and were willing to make some changes to diet.
    My impossible challenge is to revamp our household meals to a mostly “whole food, plant-based diet”. On occasion, I’ll feature yummy recipes that are part of this diet.
    Thanks for hosting such an empowering challenge!! I can’t wait to see how this works out!!

  38. I would like to join this challenge as I Must re-do my UGLY TINY kitchen with No extra money just what I have here in paint lumber and hard work:)Deidre!

  39. I can’t wait to see how you get a gallery on the wall with one screw!! I’ve been holding back on one for disdain of a dozen screws/nails in the wall!! I am excited to have found you all and am going to tackle knitting with beading in a mystery challenge! blessings ~ Tanna

  40. Thank you for inviting me! This is a really great idea and I am excited to see how everyone’s “impossible” turns out! One hole in the wall? That is outrageous and fabulous! 🙂 I’m trying to think of an “impossible” for me, there are several, lol that some to mind. I’m not sure I can do one by the 31st, January is a busy month for me, but I am going to try!

  41. Hi Karah, thank you so much for visiting my blog & for the invitation 🙂

    My Impossible Challenge: To actually make a project {or few} that I have pinned on Pinterest. I have managed to pin lots of great ideas, but have yet to actually do any.

  42. I would like to host a Mad Men party in my house that needs major remodeling. Mad Men premieres March 25th. lol. I’ve been trying to think what I live with being undone and still host ppl over. I have decided I could live without the front porch being done as long as the kitchen, dining, living and family rooms were better. The new guest bath is something I really want to be done, too. I would need the architect and all the workers to hustle. I don’t think it is possible unless ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover team takes on my house. But, your idea is certainly getting my mind focused on what needs to be done and stop letting myself get distracted by side stuff.

    Thanks. I came over after you visited our blog and now, you’ve gotten me all inspired. Thanks for that, too.

    • I am so happy that this little challenge has gotten your mind focused. Thank you so much for stopping by. The Mad Men premiere party is such a fun idea, sounds like just the goal you need to accomplish some of those nagging projects!

  43. I accept your challenge! I am going to insulate my garage – something I haven’t done. When I bought the insulation the sales staff was helpful and totally into me doing the project myself. As I was about to check out, one of their regular customers comes in the store and says hi to my sales guy. Then the customer asks if I’m going to get the sales guy to do the job for me. When I told him I’M doing it (all 4’11”) of me, he scoffed. I so want to find the customer after I do the project to tell him that not only did I do it but I blogged the heck out it!

  44. Thanks for the visit. I would love to do this challenge. January won’t work for me. I am starting a challenge next Wednesday with some blog buddies of mine. Let’s see if we can work together next month!!

  45. I LOVE this idea! Hmmmmm…. My “Imposssible” kitchen project has to wait until we have some warmer weather. I’ll see what I can come up with! I think this should be a quarterly assignment ;).

  46. Thanks for the invite to participate. I think my upholstery chair would be a great idea! Deadline to complete it 1/31/12! Count me in!

  47. Great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about this. I am a new follower, hoping to get myself motivated and see how you fare with that gallery wall.

  48. Hi Karah! This is such a great idea. I’m going to say my ‘impossible’ is to start our kitchen remodel. Realistically we probably won’t break ground in January (brr!) but my goal is to submit plans for a permit, hire a subcontractor, something, to cross that “there is no going back” line. Thanks so much for this great idea!

  49. Hi Karah! Thanks for the invite to your competition! I think my impossible task will be making soft pretzels! I am an avid baker but have neeevverrr been able to be successful with yeast before and have deemed it an impossible task so I think I’m going to re-challenge my arch nemesis! Haha! I can’t wait to see all the other projects linked up 😀

  50. How fun! How cool will it be when we all accomplish our goals! I’ll join in with my goal of losing 25 lbs.

  51. This is so much fun! I can’t wait to follow along and see how you guys all pull it off! I hope you’re screwed (just once)!

    s (& j)

  52. Okay so when I first got your invite I thought to myself “what a wonderful idea! To freaking bad I can participate since I can barely stand right now.” (I’m having some pregnancy issues that you can read about at if you want to hear some whining)

    Then I thought maybe that could be my impossible thing. Doing some sort of craft/home thing from a couch. Which seems pretty freaking impossible since most require staging, nailing, photographing, etc…

    Anyway I’m going to mull the particulars over but for right now I’m tentatively calling it “Couch Crafts-I Will Take This Laying Down”

  53. Oh, dear! That’s just like me not to read the small print carefully before signing up! I hadn’t realised this was “do it by the end of January”! I certainly won’t have crocheted my blanket by the end of January – in fact, it may not be till next week I can get to a store to buy the crochet hook!!! Still, if I’ve at least started to learn how to crochet that will be a start. Do you think that’ll be acceptable?
    I’m bowled over by the ambitions of some of the folks here. Good luck to everyone.
    Thank you for the kind comment on my blog. I’m adding you to the blogs I follow – even if I don’t always comment.

    • Yes, I think that is totally acceptable! The whole idea is to get people started on this venture of tackling something we’ve always wanted to do. If you start on the journey it would be so great to hear about your progress along the way have you included in the link party on Jan 31!

  54. Ok Karah I’ve thought long and hard about this challenge and what I’d like to do… There were two impossible projects I’ve been toying with. The first was making a video tutorial- the second was wresteling the craft studio into submission and back to some sort of organization. The video sounded the most fun but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I really have to get the studio in order before I can have the right setup to make a video tutorial. So long story short I’m going to do battle with my studio!

    • This is great Meg! Both options are awesome, but you’re right, once your studio is in order you’ll have the perfect backdrop for your video tutorial. I’m so glad you’re participating!

  55. I’m inspired – count me in! I’m going to be finishing up my sectional slipcover which I started two months ago, just before our baby was born. Now it’s just a couch with no cushions (which are stacked in my sewing room) and piles of fabric everywhere. Time to get busy! Thanks for the challenge.

  56. Thanks SO MUCH for taking the time to comment on my blog!! I would love to participate in this challenge…hmm, what to tackle?!! I am a bit nervous reading what others are doing…they have such awesome projects – kitchens, quilts, porch swings, etc. HOWEVER….I am taking this challenge. By the end of today I will decide on the “project” and blog about it!! yay! Thanks again for your comment and including me in this AWESOME project!!

    • That is so awesome Ashley! We don’t want anyone to compare their project to another’s, just use this challenge as inspiration to do what challenges you. I can’t wait to hear what you decide! Thank you so much for participating!

  57. Karah, this is such a wonderful idea and I will definitely link to your party when I post my After link party on the 27th.
    My project this month is making over my daughter’s closet!

  58. Great idea, with this blogging community there is almost nothing we can’t do, they are all so empowering! I would love to do a craft fair it is on my bucket list and just may come true, My impossible!

  59. Hi Karah!
    Joining in on the impossibilities challenge! Mine is building our fireplace (with the help of the hubs). Blogge about it here

  60. Right now finishing our peacock bathroom is feeling a bit impossible with all that needs to be done. We’re taking this challenge to finish by the 31st – we can do it

    • Oh, I know that stage in those full room re-do’s. The “is this ever going to end?” stage. Which is quickly followed by the “what I wouldn’t give to be able to work on something different” thought! I can’t wait to see how it all turns out! Thank you so much for joining the challenge! You can do it!

  61. Karah, I new to your blog, (not sure how to follow), but this sounds like a good way to conquer your fear…I’ve been toying around with doing a back splash (guess I just have this fear what ever I do it just want look right) but i want to give it a shot…kick it in the butt. So I’m in!

    • Sherry, thanks for coming by. I love that you are joining the challenge, you can totally do a black splash, I believe in you! To become a follower you can click on whichever option on the right sidebar that is most convenient for you, Follow Via Email, Subscribe in a Reader and also you can follow me on Pinterest and Facebook. 🙂 Unfortunately, GFC isn’t compatible with my wordpress format. Clearly I encourage cyber stalking. Please just let me know if you have any questions!

  62. liz

     /  January 14, 2012

    Just completed two “impossibles”; one – getting my husband to cooperate on a Saturday morning and two – cleaning out our garage which has had 4 years’ worth of non-stop usage as a huge garbage bin. WE did it! And that led to cleaning the laundry room, which led to cleaning up the pool area, trimming flowers, sweeping iquana poo and finally all of this led to jumping into the pool! Great feeling of accomplishment for both of us. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Awesome Liz! I can’t wait to see it all. I’m assuming you didn’t do anything with that awesome table. 😉 I say don’t, let’s do it together!! That is if I have your permission to put it on the blog. If not, I say good luck doing it on your own. 😉

  63. Thanks for the invite! I just posted about my project- painting a vinyl roller shade for the nursery. Can’t wait to see how your challenge turns out:)
    See the post below

  64. Karah,

    I’m in love with this idea! For as long as I can remember, I’ve always toyed with the idea of sitting down and writing a short story. I may not be the world’s greatest writer, but I really do enjoy writing. But, I have a huge fear of writing something, having someone read it and getting negative feedback so that has hindered any progress when it comes to writing. But, this challenge has inspired me to get started on my short story and try my hand at it!

    Wish me luck!


  65. I am so excited about this challenge! I decided this year I will push myself out of my comfort zone and into uncharted waters. I have drooled over Somerset Magazine’s for years. I have so many ideas running through my head and realize that the deadlines are so far in advance of the “season” I’m working on and I’ve missed the submit date! I am going to prepare a submission for this magazine and get it in before the deadline! So terrified yet excited to finally do this. Thanks for the kick in the pants 🙂

    • Oh my gosh Lori! I am so excited for you about your challenge! What a great way to kick start the year. I wish you all the best and definitely let me know if you get published. I want to gush over you!!

  66. I just found this wonderful post! Is it too late to join in? I’ve never made bread before and want to, among other things! Although I believe I’m going to start with the bread first! I’m also going to share with my other blogging buddies. Thanks!


  67. Hey Karah! I just found your blog via Saved by Suzy. You’re a funny girl with a great writing style. I’m loving everything on your blog. For a long time my “impossible” was the guest bathroom but we just started working on it and guess what? Not so impossible after all! Like you, I’m a “baby blogger” too so good luck with all of your bloggy adventures! (:

  68. What a great idea! I have been thinking about this for weeks…not sure if I will have something to link up. But I have it on my calendar and am mulling over it! I hope it is a huge success!

  69. I do solemnly swear to have our impossible (but maybe possible?) guest bathroom completed by the “Imagine the Possibilities” challenge deadline of January 31st!!! Whoop whoop!

    P.S. I’ll add a button to a post that I’ve prepped for tomorrow. Do you have a one for your blog? If so, I’ll add that too. 😉

    • WOW! That is awesome Emily. I will forward you an email we sent to all challengers. Yes, I do have a button, it’s on my right sidebar, that’s be super cool if you want to add it too! And, feel free to comment back here with your challenge post links so everyone can check them out!

  70. OK – I’ve been wanting to do a gallery wall for the past couple months, and now that the Christmas decorations are down, I really have nothing fun to look at – so that’s my challenge – and if I could magically get it done with 1 screw hole, my husband might propose to me a second time. (I’d say yes again, too!)

  71. Alrighty! I’ve got it narrowed down to two projects that have been niggling (yelling, screaming) at me to get done for awhile. This is just the excuse I need to get myself in gear. 🙂

  72. I know I initially said I was going to work on a backsplash for my kitchen but I decided to tackle my chandelier instead, I’ve been putting that off forever you can see it here To me this has always be an impossibility! Can’t wait to see everybody’s projects…

  73. My impossible is decluttering my house after moving the week of Christmas over 2 YEARS AGO! Thanks for sharing yours! ❤ from your newest follower and fellow {brand-new} blogger! Follow my blog 🙂 and check out my impossibility!

  74. Ok I am a little late finding this, I stumbled upon this blog this morning…what an awesome idea!!!! I have so many ideas and projects that I could do but the main one is getting my own blog started….I have totally put this off for fear of perfection. I will take all of the advice and support I can get.

    Blessings to all,
    Laura from PA

  75. I’m in!! My impossible is working on a big project with my three year old. Yep, he’s in on the action – painting, caulking, laying flooring. I may just be crazy, but what we have done so far has been soooo much fun!! Can’t wait to see everyone’s projects!

  76. Khara,
    It has been such fun meeting all of you in the challenge and actually conquering my impossibility. Who knew that fixing an irrigation system would be so easy. Now I’m afraid I’m going to have to tackle another challenge :). Check out the progress at

  77. Ok, so i am trying to decide on my first post and my first project for this blog. Any help…i have so many projects that its but a few that I really want to post. So what is the best way to start off a blog???????
    Good Day!!!!

  1. B – cause « the space between
  2. Pallet Wood Word Wall Art « the space between
  3. Word of the Year and I Might Be Screwed (Just Once), A Gallery Wall Experiment Update « the space between
  4. Couch Crafts: Hand Sewing Doll Clothes From Scraps--
  5. I do! We did (Twice!). I finally made a memento about it. « the space between
  6. Friday Features! (on Thursday) And a new Community for me! « the space between
  7. Dare I call this progress? « the space between
  8. Impossibilities Update: Couch Crafts--
  9. Driftwood Abounds « the space between
  10. Friday Features! « the space between
  11. The One Screw Gallery Wall is HERE! « the space between
  12. $50 Lowe’s Gift Card for YOU! « the space between
  13. it IS award season after all « the space between
  14. the month in minutes – january 2012 « the space between
  15. MISSION: Possible {it’s a cinch} Launch « the space between

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